
At Kangaroo Ground, Science is taught for one hour a week from Prep through to Grade 6 by a science specialist. We believe that studying science should provide opportunities for our students to develop an understanding of important science concepts and processes, the practices used to develop scientific knowledge, of science’s contribution to our culture and society, and its applications in our lives. As our science program is taught by a teacher who is also a qualified scientist,  we feel this unique combination, not normally found in a primary school, really gives students an amazing opportunity to develop their scientific knowledge, understandings and skills. We actively encourage our students to be enthusiastic, curious and questioning about the world around them. We feel that as students move from through the school, they will be able to use their knowledge and understanding to be able to make informed decisions about local, national and global issues.

We try and organise science activities across the school outside science lessons. Every year, KG  has a ‘Science Day’, either during National Science Week in August or Education Week in May. This is organised and co-ordinated by our science specialist. Students not only do exciting activities during their science lesson but will also look at the role of science in anther curriculum area in class, e.g. write a poem or story about a famous scientist in literacy, draw what they think a scientist looks like in Art.

KG also has our own ‘Scientist in School’ which is organised by CSIRO and gives schools the opportunity to work with a local scientist. We are very lucky to have Peter Raven, a retired scientist, who comes in regularly to work with students, not only in lessons but he also contributes to our electives programme and runs electronics sessions for interested students.

This year, some Grade 5 students have taken part in the ‘Science Talent Search’ competition, organised by the Science Teacher’s Association of Victoria. They carried out their own research around the theme of ‘Food for our Future’. They then wrote up their findings as an experimental report which was sent away to be judged. The same students presented their findings to other students at this year’s ‘Kids teaching Kids’ event   at Edendale Farm. 

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